Amish Encounter

Nestled in northeast Indiana is the quaint town of Shipshewana. For us “English”, Shipshewana is the Mecca of Amish Community. The downtown area is not that large and easy to explore on foot. Of course you can always take a guided carriage ride. With so many shops featuring handcrafted items, I highly recommend walking so that you don’t miss anything.

Towards the end of our day, we found ourselves at the end of the downtown area. We were about to turn back when we noticed a sign that said “Pharmacy”. Hoping we might be able to find some natural Amish remedies, we headed that way. As we opened the door, I felt like I had been hit in the face with a pillow. I shook it off and headed in. Three steps into the store I was overwhelmed by the odor. I couldn’t breathe. It was stifling. My skin was crawling. How could he not smell that. I was getting dizzy. How do I get out here without being rude. I feel like I’m in a fun house. I’ll make a quick perimeter sweep. Oh, the smell is stronger back here. Is the floor really slanted or is it me. The whole room is spinning. “Honey look, it’s a full soda fountain, how beautiful.” I’m going to pass out. Lord, please let me make it to the door. “Honey, I’m going to sit out front, take your time.” How could he not smell that! Just a few more feet. My head is swimming. I can make it.

Opening that door and stepping onto the sidewalk felt like coming up from the bottom of the ocean. Thank Heaven. I can breathe. I sat on the bench out front to regain my composure. I can not to this day describe that odor. It wasn’t a rotting stench. It wasn’t old dust, or musty, or even sour. It was something I never smelled before. But I knew without a doubt, that store had been used as a morgue somewhere in its past. I was very relieved when he came out and we left the pharmacy behind us.

We visited the neighboring businesses and found ourselves in an antique and architectural salvage store. I love old architecture and was in absolute awe of the pieces on display. As you get to the back of the store, it becomes a series of small rooms. In the last of the rooms, you walk through a doorway and into a warehouse area. It was full of larger pieces and was clearly the architectural salvage side of the store. As I stepped through the doorway I paused for a moment. I felt a full-on contact, body slam on my right side. I began apologizing as I started to turn around to face the person I had bumped. There was no one there. I looked around and there was no one to be found. When I stepped back into the warehouse area, I was struck with another wave of dizziness. I made my way outside as quickly as I could. The warmth of the sun on my face and the fresh air put everything back in order. Then I heard, “Well, are you ready to head home?” With a smile on face I answered, “Yes I am.”

I don’t know if it was a spirit from the pharmacy that followed me to the antique store. It could have been a spirit from the store itself or from one of the items there. I did not feel frightened or threatened in any way. I have visited Shipshewana multiple times prior to that, and that was the only experience I have ever had there. It definitely will not deter me from returning in the future.


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